Saturday, July 27, 2013

breakfast @ katsuragi-san

Yesterday we went to the mountains to have breakfast.
When we got there is was really foggy.
It was also cold.
We went to a bench and sat there.
My mum gave us our breakfast which was a lemon stick from a danish stall.
Since I was freezing I got to go inside the car and I ate my breakfast there.
After I finished my breakfast I just stayed in the car.
My brother was sleeping in the car and then soon woke up.
I went outside and my brother went outside.
After he finished eating his breakfast we played a game to warm our selves up.
We played on those small cement bars for parking.
We walked on the them and jumped over them and played all sort of games.
I had to help Grant jump over them.
We did races.
We finally stopped playing because we were tired and started to pack up.

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