Thursday, August 8, 2013

tennoji with baba

Yesterday we went to Tennoji with Baba.
We told her to come because she would love the craft store.
When we got to the craft store Baba just went wow.
We went inside and we saw loads of things like beads, string,needles and many more.
I got a ball of yarn.
Baba got a hairclip and some things I don't know what they are.
I don't know what mummy got.
Grant strted to complain.
We had to pay twice because the first time we only looked halfway and second we looked at the other half.
After we went the toy store for Grant.
Then we went to look around to buy something to eat.
I had to share a pilaf and noodles with Ki'kin.
I got orange juice.
Then we went to the shopping mall that was bigger.
We only looked a little bit then went back to the train station.

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