Saturday, August 3, 2013

okayama trip 4

When we reached where the hotel was we played in the river.
The river was freezing.
The river was in front of the hotel.
I started looking for rocks to throw.
I found a flat and round one so I gave it to Jiji and he threw the pepple so it skipped on top of the water.
I tried and the stone skipped on the water twice.
Then my sister was able to do it.
Grant, mummy and Baba went for a walk.
When they came back Baba stuck her feet in the water.
She tried to throw the rock ad she was able to do it.
Grant started throwing the rocks in the water.
When we were finished we went to the hotel.
We went to our room and there was only three rooms.
You sleep where the table is.
There is the toilet and a room where they have a view.

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