Saturday, August 10, 2013


We went to Koya-san.
We went to have lunch and to get water for the house.
I had udon for lunch.
Ihad to share th udon with my sister.
The udon was good.
It was also hot.
It was hard to use the chopsticks, so I had to use a fork.
After we finished eating we went shopping.
They had samples of rice and sweet potato.
Then we went to stop at a place so we can go toilet.
They had a store so we went in.
After we went to stop for coffee.
I got ice cream.
Then we went to walk on a bridge.
Jiji was taking a picture of something when we were on the bridge.
Then we stopped for water.
Mummy and Baba were filling up the water bottles up so we can drink when we get home.
Then I fell asleep and woke up again because I felt sick.
It was the smell of my sister's fart that made me sick.
Then we went home.

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