Friday, August 9, 2013

shopping at outlet

Yesterday we went to Rinku-town with Baba.
We went to outlet part.
We took a train to get here then we were supposed to go by car back to the house.
Instead we had to go back by train.
When we were at the the outlet part we went to St. Cousair.
Then we went to gap, Baba got pants for cycling in the morning.
Grant went with mummy to get a shirt.
Baba had to try 2 different pants to find the right one.
Then we went to find someplace to eat.
We went to a pizza place.
We got pizza and I shared the orange juice with Grant.
Mummy and Baba shared pasta.
We had 2 pieces left so we packed that up for dinner.
Then we went shopping in other stores.
Then we wentt to get another slingshot because Kikin broke the slingshot.
Then we went to the grocery store. 

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