Sunday, August 4, 2013

outing to Wakayama

We went to Wakayama.
We went by train.
We missed our train so we waited for the next train.
When we got on that train I sat with Jiji and Baba.
First I sat ust with Jiji then we moved beside Baba.
When we got to the train station we started waling to K'nestu.
Jiji went to drink coffee so the rest of us went looking around.
We looked at the slipper section and there was kids size as well.
Baba saw these really nice slippers so she bought them.
Then we went back to Jiji and then we went to eat.
We ate the at a restaurant we always eat at.
When Jiji wanted to look at the menu mummy gave the menu to Jiji but the menu spilled water all over me.
We got seafood piraff and seafood pasta.
I got to drink pumkin soup.
Then our food came.
Grant ate some of the rice.
After we went back on the train.
Grant started to mess with Jiji and Baba's hat.

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