Saturday, September 7, 2013

egg soldier


This morning I ate egg soldier.
My mum made the egg soldier.
You have to boil an egg for five minutes if the you want the egg to be soft.
You can boil the egg for seven minutes if you want the egg to be hard.
While the egg is boiling you toast the bread and put butter on the toast.
Then you cut the toast in to thin strips but not too thin other wise the toast will be floppy.
When the egg is done boiling you crack the egg into a small pate or put the egg on a egg cup and tap the side of the knife against the egg on the top.
Then take a spoon and scoop up the part of the egg that was cracked.
Then you dip the toast in the egg.
The egg soldier was delicious.
My mum put soy sauce on the egg.
Then I used the spoon to eat the egg whites.  

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