Friday, May 17, 2013

ipad mini

I like the ipad mini. I got it for Christmas to share with the family. It has a red cover.
I use it to research my homework and help me with my division.I also use it to take pictures.
I mainly play games on it though.My family made sections for the games for example
the action games would go into the action group,but if it was a pet game and a puzzle game it would go into the puzzle group
I also like to read on the ipad mini on ibooks.I'm in the middle of reading Sherlock Holmes the full series.
There is a school app which helps me keep track of everything going on at school.
We use the clock app to time 30 minutes so we know when our turn on playing the ipad mini is over.
My favourite game on the ipad mini is Campus Life, Tapped Out, Subway Surfer and Candy Crush Saga.
I like to watch Angry Birds Toons there is always a new toon in 7 days or 4 days.
My sister says that HayDay rules and it is her favourite game.My cousin found it on the app store in Japan and sister started playing on
our cousin's iphone then when we got the ipad mini I downloaded it on th ipad.
My brother likes to play Angry Birds. He brings the ipad mini to restaurants and on the way to school.
Our dad likes to play Kingdom of Conquest we also play Kingdom of Conquest 2(KC2) but I don't play KC2 anymore
so my brother does the batles for me and my dad does the rest.
I wish we had more gigabite because our ipan mini is almost full.
The schools ipads have 64 gigabite and our ipad mini has only 16 gigabite.  

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