Saturday, March 1, 2014

making bread

I made bread yesterday.
Well I didn't really make the bread, I just helped roll out the dough.
At first we did ball shapes then my mum told me that t could be any shape we want it to be as it is our bread.
So I decided to make a preztel shape but that didn't turn out well it turned out like a palmier or a heart.
Then I made worm shapes and my brother and sister went crazy as you can see with the long snake shapes.
After that we put the bread in the oven for 20 minutes and waited.
I read a book to kill the time.
Then the timer rang and the bread was ready.
We got to eat one piece of bread that we ade.
I took a heart/palmier/failed attempt of a pretzel.
The bread was divine when hot, the bread was fresh which made it even better.

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