Monday, October 28, 2013

school outing

I went on a school outing to the Aviva Stadium and the Jeanie Johnston tall ship.
First we went to the tall ship.
We learned about the ship and that the ship never lost a man during the famine.
The ship sank but still kept its record for not losing a man.
Then we went to eat lunch at a shopping mall.
I had a sandwich with cheese, lettuce and ham.
I also had a mini Cornetto and some Jammies.
After having lunch we took a bus to get to the Aviva stadium.
At the Aviva stadium we went to the press conference room.
Then we went to the changing rooms.
The changing rooms had two big baths.
Then we went to the seats and learned about Aviva's name.
We also learned about the shape of the building.
After we went to the gift shop.
I bought a badge and a note book that came with a pen. 

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